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The idea possess behind the frontier

Enviado por GboysLove 
The idea possess behind the frontier
20-May-2019 11:27
The leveling concept is stupid. Having different levels simply because of distinct"elemental orcs" in different zones is actually stupid. Then the level does not feel meaningful in any way, it buy cheap mt 2k20 like not having a main level that you compare to other or others in contrast to your own level. That is already a massive fun killer. And also the thing with the gear that enjoy"fire orcs" drop Fire gear that you can't use for"poison orcs"... why. Only make a most important degree from like 1-100 that takes months/YEARS to achieve and with normal gear for every level at which you could get like 1-5 different extra stats on it like fire immunity, posion resistance, +x% more damage against undead or anything. And those that can get arbitrary maybe not directly all 5 extra stats on an iitem when falling it but you can (!) Or only like 1-3 extra bonus stats due to lowlevel material or you could later just manually put them onto a specific object of equipment with an item and then also switch them about how ever you like and desire (having an item that is not easy to get but also not p2w) That's how simply I want an mmorpg together with a very long development.

The idea possess behind the frontier system, with progression, is the general hatred for prismatic rainbow all elemental resistance equipment. So each frontier may have 1 elemental damage type and physical harm. Thus the gear has 1 protection vs the 1 component and bodily defense. You are able to swap equipment sets using the wardrobe system fairly easy, but now its getting fixed. Equipment wise you will find international stars that you can use across all frontiers like the magical uncover stats, and crit chance, increased max wellness and others. All weapon damage can be used as well accross all frontiers currently no monster resistances yet, just health pools. Useing the incorrect equipment set for the frontier will be scaled down lower than useing the right gear in the present zone.

Unfortunately I didn't get my alpha test pass, so I'm limited nba 2k20 myteam coins what I could see in videos similar to that one and pretty much in all of them people are whining or best not being sure about that frontier flat system. Well here is how I view it. Let's take World of Warcraft for instance you have multiple starting locations and once you leveled up higher than the area level pretty much all areas of the same level are useless for you. For me it feels like in Torchlight Frontiers they do not want you to skip any areas they prepared so it's more like few games in one.
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